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  • Spermatocele causes and treatment

    Spermatocele causes and treatment0

    What is Spermatocele? It is a painless, fluid-filled spermatic cyst or encysted hydrocele of the testicle or epididymis. It contains sperm that may or may not be alive. It feels like a smooth, firm lump in the scrotum on top of the testicle. Causes of Spermatoceles : The exact cause of spermatoceles is not known.

  • Causes and treatment of premature ejaculation

    Causes and treatment of premature ejaculation0

    Oligospermia is a condition where in there is scanty of sperm in the semen leading to infertility. It is diagnosed when a man falls under sperm count less than 15 million sperm per ml.

  • Why Masturbation is bad

    Why Masturbation is bad10

    Masturbation is just about the safest sex there is, but the laws of physics and biology don’t stop operating

  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases

    Sexually Transmitted Diseases0

      Although most contraception method can protect against unwanted pregnancies, they do not offer the necessary protection against std’s. This post provides details and insight on the nature of STD, its kinds, transfer, and symptoms. This post also gives valuable sexual health details against common misunderstandings about STDs. As effective as modern birth control methods

  • What’s wrong with Allopathic medicine for sexual disorders

    What’s wrong with Allopathic medicine for sexual disorders0

    What’s wrong with Allopathic medicine for sexual disorders The launch of sildenafil (Viagra), world’s first orally active drug for sexual disorder in men  for a condition called Erectile dysfuction caused an extensive debate about the pros and cons of allopathic medicine; but more importantly it generated mass awareness of sexual dysfunctions, reduced the stigma attached

  • gynecomastia – enlargement of a man’s breasts.

    gynecomastia – enlargement of a man’s breasts.1

    Gynecomastia – enlargement of a man’s breasts, usually due to hormone imbalance What are Hormones?? Hormones are produced by the endocrine gland present in the brain which acts as chemical channels in our body through the blood flow to various organs. There are number of endocrine glands in our body for instance the pituitary gland, the